This feature is in Run.
New improvements to Search Term Reports give users have a more efficient experience.
Our goal was to help users by providing a way to explore search terms faster. In addition to general enhancements, updates were made to help decrease the amount of time it takes to process an STR. Previously, users had to simultaneously calculate all three STR document counts:
- Documents
- Documents with family members
- Families and loose documents
Now users have the flexibility to select which document counts to include before processing a calculation.
Select STR Document Counts
Users can now start STR calculations by selecting only “Documents'' and can expect results to be returned much faster:
Once users refine their search term list, they can add “Documents with family members” and/or “Families and loose docs” counts, if needed.
Additionally, because users expressed a desire to download reports with fewer metrics, the downloadable reports display only the counts that were selected.
To learn more about Search Term Reports, please see our related Knowledge Base Article.