This feature is in Run.
When creating a review database, users have the option to copy over elements from existing review databases that they are either an Admin of, or that have been marked as a template by an Org Admin.
When creating a new review database from either “My Matters” or the Organization Manager, users have the option to “Copy elements from an existing review database” alongside naming their review database, selecting a timezone, and such. Check that option, select a review database to copy from, and then choose what elements you want to bring over; that’s it!
Org Admins can set any review database as a template from the Organization Manager by clicking the ⋯ icon on the right side of a review database row within the matter card.
Marking a review database as a template makes elements of it available to users in your organization who can create matters. Review databases that are marked as templates are only accessible for editing by Org Admins.
There is no limit on the number of review databases that can be marked as templates, but a good practice would be to create a single matter to hold them all and then create one review database for each different template type that you want, within that matter.
Review database templates currently support copying over the following review database elements:
- Users
- Custom roles
- Default ingest options settings
- Tags
- Folders
- Fields
- Redaction reasons
- Term highlights
More elements like saved searches, search-term reports, search views, review stages, default production settings, and exhibit sets will be added to the templates framework over time.
If you choose to not copy over certain objects, for example tags or redaction reasons, those pages will be blank when you first go into the review database.
If you choose to not copy over certain settings, those settings will simply be the DISCO defaults when you first go into the review database.
Copying over users copies over the user and their assigned role.
Just like when otherwise added to a review database, users will receive an email letting them know the review database now exists.
If users are copied over, but custom roles are not, any users that are assigned a custom role will instead be assigned the Restricted Reviewer role until reassigned.
Custom roles
Copying over custom roles copies over all aspects of each custom role:
- Feature permissions
- Work product permissions
- Default document access
- Rules
In some scenarios, rules will be based off of now-nonexistent elements. Those rules will remain intact as part of the custom role, but may not be enforceable immediately upon review database creation.
Default ingest options settings
Copying over default ingest options copies over the settings for both native and loadfile ingests.
For native ingests, this includes the deduplication setting, the exception handling setting, and the hidden content settings from that step in the native ingest flow.
For load file ingests, this includes the exception handling setting, the hidden content settings, and the slipsheet setting from that step in the loadfile ingest flow.
Copying over folders copies over the folders and their permissions.
In some scenarios, folder permissions will be based off of now-nonexistent users and/or custom roles. Those folders will be available only to Admins of the review database until changed.
Copying over tags copies over all of of the following:
- Tag groups, including color designations
- Tags
- Any tag descriptions
- Any keyboard shortcut bindings
- Per-tag AI prediction settings
- Per-tag cross-matter Boost settings, including the associated AI model
RECOMMENDED Since information about tags’ cross-matter AI models can be included in a template, it’s the perfect time to set up cross-matter AI models to power your organization (if you haven’t already).
Tagging decisions in a new review database will not automatically power the model that boosts it. If that’s desired, it must be enabled separately.
Copying over fields copies over the fields and their permissions.
In some scenarios, field permissions will be based off of now-nonexistent users. Those fields will be available only to the creator of the review database until changed.
Redaction reasons
Copying over redaction reasons copies over the redaction reasons; it’s really that simple.
Term highlights
Copying over term highlights copies over the actual lists of terms to be highlighted and the respective colors to highlight those terms with.