Organization admins and Matter creators now have an improved experienced for creating matters and review databases in DISCO, leveraging a step-by-step workflow that provides ample space for information capture and ease of navigation. These improvements make it that much easier to get work started in DISCO.
Create a Matter
To create a matter from Organization Manager or My Matters page, select the "Create" button in the upper right corner.
The new creation wizard should appear, beginning with the Matter Information page. Style and Display Name fields are required to create a matter; however, additional information, including the Client matter number, Short style, and description are optional to use.
Note that if a user is a Matter creator or Organization admin across more than 1 org, when creating a matter from the My Matters page, the user will be asked to select the "owning organization" to designate where the creation should take place.
After clicking "Next", users will by default be prompted to enter the "Details" for creating a review database associated with the new matter.
If a review database does not need to be created at this time, users can select "Skip creating a review database" to simply move forward with matter creation.
Create a Review Database
There are two ways to create a review database from Organization Manager or My Matters page.
- To create a review database for an existing matter, click the "Add review database" button from the matter card.
- To create a review database alongside creating a new matter, simply proceed through the creation wizard workflow.
The new creation wizard will walk you through each step of the review database creation process.
The first step is to enter review database details such as name, timezone, and the ability to leverage the templates feature for a more efficient setup process. Here you will notice a new offering to schedule a personalize consultation to get help from our experts. If selected, an additional step will be introduced to capture additional information, as well as allow you to schedule the session directly from this workflow leveraging a new integrated Calendly experience.
The next step is to enter billing contact information associated with the review database being created, as well as any third-party billing notes or special payment terms.
Lastly, if you decided to move forward with a consult for the review database, the Consultation step allows you to schedule the session directly from this workflow. Simply select from the available times based on what works best for you and your team. After scheduling the consultation, a calendar invite will be sent to our internal support teams and anyone you chose to include in the session.
When finished, you can click "Create" in the bottom right corner to create the review database. From there, you will be returned back to the Organization Matters page or My Matters based on where you initiated the workflow from.