Witnesses Page Enhancements
Additional functionality has been added to the Witnesses page in Case Builder, including search, filter, and export capabilities.
Magical Smalls:
Filter Annotations by Note Creator
Now you can filter Annotations based on who created the affiliated notes, ensuring consistent data control across Case Builder.
Exhibit Sets Search DAI
Easily filter by Exhibit Set and search documents directly from the Search Builder using Exhibit Set ID. The Exhibit Set ID can now be added as a custom column in the Document List.
Enhanced Image Rendering
Enjoy an improved review experience that allows you to adjust zoom and rotation of images in the document viewer. Now, you’ll be able to zoom and rotate photos in both PDF and Image (new) view.
Enhanced Text Rendering
Now, you can customize the text view of a document. Choose the font and font size that work for you and toggle between light and dark mode.
Improved Production Card Interface for Long Queries
DISCO is excited to introduce an upgraded UI for Production cards to better support your Production workflows, no matter how long or complex the query.