The following ingest report fields are searchable using Search Builder or DISCO search commands.
Billing Size | Hidden Text | Missing Native |
Content Type | Hidden Type | OCR |
Custodian | Image | Processing Details |
Dedup Hash | Image Size | Processing Status |
Detected Email | Ingest Time | Search Text |
Extension | Ingest Type | Slipsheet Identified |
File Length | Ingested | Wrong Extension |
Filename | Instance Id | |
File Path | Is Processed as Native |
To search for ingest report information:
- In the search bar, click SEARCH BUILDER.
- In the INGEST category, click one of the search items related to processing info or ingest session. For example, if you want to see any items that failed to be fully processed, click Processing Status, and then click Failure in the dropdown.
- Click Run search to populate the search bar with the relevant search syntax and generate the search results.
- In the search bar, click SEARCH BUILDER.
In addition to the options available in Search Builder, there are options available in filters, and below is a list of all ingest report search commands along with sample searches. To execute a search, enter the command in the search bar.
Field name |
Syntax | Example | Value |
Billing Size* |
billingSize |
billingSize(11180) billingSize(>1000) |
ContentType (Doc Type) |
type |
type(email) type(excel) |
Text |
Custodian |
custodianExact |
custodianExact("Sara Shackleton") |
Text |
DeDup Hash |
deDupHash |
deduphash(32E4E961D619B56436D F3D44DC7EE397D33FA4D3) |
Text |
Detected Email |
isDetectedEmail |
isDetectedEmail(yes) |
Yes/No |
Extension |
extension |
extension(docx) |
Text |
File Length (Size) |
fileLength |
fileLength(1000) fileLength(>100) |
Numeric |
File Name |
fileName |
filename(“Settlement Agreement.docx”) |
Text |
File Path |
path |
path(“/office-conversation!”) |
Text |
Hidden Text |
hasHiddenType |
hasHiddenType(yes) |
Yes/No |
Hidden Type |
hiddenType |
hiddentype(comments) Search options: Comments, Formatting, Hidden Sheets, Notes, Revision and Very Hidden Sheets |
Text |
Image |
hasImage |
hasImage(yes) |
Yes/No |
Image Size | imageSize | imageSize(78225)
imageSize(>10000) |
Numeric |
Ingest Time | loadDate | loaddate(01/01/18) or loaddate(01/01/2018) | Date |
Ingest Type | ingestType | ingesttype(native)
Search options: Native or Load file |
Text |
Instance Id | id | id(845) | Numeric |
Processed as Native | isProcessedAsNative | isProcessedAsNative(yes) | Yes/No |
Missing Native | hasNative | hasNative(yes) | Yes/No |
OCR | hasOCR | hasOCR(yes) | Yes/No |
Processed as Native | isProcessedAsNative | isProcessedAsNative(yes) | Yes/No |
Processing Details | processingDetails | processingDetails(Corrupted) | Text |
Processing Status* | processingStatus | processingStatus(success)
Search options: Success, Failure, or Partial |
Text |
Search Text | hasSearchText | hasSearchText(yes) | Yes/No |
Slipsheet Identified | hasDetectedSlipsheet | hasDetectedSlipsheet(yes) | Yes/No |
Wrong Extension | hasWrongExtension | hasWrongExtension(yes) | Yes/No |
*The Billing Size field in the ingest report provides the size for each individual instance of a document. The Billing Size search command returns the size of a review document, which is the sum of all instances of the document.
*The Processing Status field is the value upon completion of ingest, it is not updated upon remediation.
For more information, see Adding ingest report details to a custom view in search and Using the search builder.
Ingest report search commands are available on all new databases created after January 29, 2018.