These instructions apply to databases that have the organization manager feature in crawl or walk.
Before you get started in DISCO, you need to know some terms. Organizations, matters, review databases, and users exist in a hierarchical relationship in DISCO.
Navigating the My Matters page
When you log in to DISCO, you will be directed to the My Matters page. This page shows all review databases that you have access to.
You can search for databases using the search bar at the top.
If a database is missing, it may not have been migrated to the new DISCO structure. Click Go to my legacy matters to see these databases.
Each database on the My Matters page has a card with the following information:
Navigating a review database
To navigate to a review database, on the My Matters page, expand the matter card by clicking Show details. You'll see how many review databases there are, the ID number, the button to click to review the database, and the button that will open all other options.
If you have permission to view the search page, you will be navigated to that page by default. From there, you can:
- Change what information is displayed in the document list and sort it
- Click on a document to begin reviewing the document list in the document viewer
- Narrow the document list using search filters
- Search for documents
- Navigate to search visualization
- Navigate folders
You can navigate to other pages in the review database by selecting an option in the main menu.
- Review Team – Add and remove users and update permissions at the database level
- Statistics – See the number of documents, pages, tags, users, document types, and custodians in the database.
- Reports – View and download reports on batch print jobs, document list exports, and ingests.
- Ingest – Ingest documents into the database.
- Folders, Tags, Fields, and Redaction Reasons – Add, edit, and delete folders, tags, fields, or redaction reasons.
- Term Highlights – Edit what terms are highlighted and highlight colors.
- Search & Review – Navigate to the default search page.
- Search Visualization – See a visual representation of the database’s documents.
- Search Term Reports – View, edit, and download search term reports.
- Manage Review Stages – View, set up, and edit review stages that will be completed by the reviewers.
- Check Out Batches – Check out a batch of documents for review.
- Quality Control – Create, view, and review QC samples.
- Productions – Produce documents.
- Exhibit Sets – Create, edit, and download exhibit sets.
Navigating the organization manager
If you want to update users and permissions at the organization level, you’ll need to go to the organization manager. Do this using the menu in the top left of the application.
For information about how to add, delete, or view matters or databases, add and delete organization users, and change user permissions at the organization level, see Understanding the organization manager.
If you are a review admin, see Navigating DISCO for review admins. If you are an organization admin, see Navigating DISCO for organization admins.