Before performing a deletion, DISCO can archive your documents by running a production of all your documents. DISCO then sends you the data via FTP or on an external hard drive. You may archive databases on your own or hire our services team to complete the archive on your behalf for a fee. Databases in Vault may remain in Vault while an archive is created but only when DISCO is creating the archive. Please contact DISCO to create an archive if your matter has ECA enabled and there is data in the ECA data space. Only DISCO has the ability to archive ECA data. DISCO also has the ability to generate a custom redaction file that will allow full restoration of redactions within DISCO if an archive is restored. This is available only when DISCO creates the archive.
Archiving involves collecting multiple files together into one single file for easier storage and portability. You can download an archive locally for smaller productions (< 100 GB) or you can submit an archive request from your 'My Matters' page within a particular review database:
Archived data includes: all documents (natives, near natives, text files, metadata) and all work product (tags, document notes, privilege notes, custom fields, redactions, metadata redactions, and productions).
Archive data does not include: exhibit sets, audit/document history, saved searches, search term reports, term highlighting, AI scores, or Review stage metrics.
Creating an archive involves mandatory as well as highly-recommended but optional steps. DISCO's Professional Services team always includes the optional steps when archiving a database.
Mandatory steps for archiving your database include exporting data and generating a doclist export. Optional steps for archiving your database are moving bates numbers, exporting redacted documents, and downloading all productions. Both mandatory and optional steps are explained below. If you have any questions, contact
- Exporting data
- Selecting advanced options
- Redacted documents production (optional)
- Generating doclist report
- Downloading all productions (optional)
Exporting data
- Login to the review database.
- Run a search to return all the documents in the database by using * (just the asterisk) in the search bar. If you would like to only archive some documents, create a search that returns just the documents needed to archive. DISCO strongly recommends all archives be family complete.
- Save that search by clicking on Save Search. This will create a search that includes all documents.
- Save the search as "All Documents Archive".
- Navigate to Menu > Productions > Create New.
- Enter a name for the production.
- Select the By saved search tab.
- Use the dropdown list and select All Documents Archive search that you created in steps 3-5.
- In the Stamps section for Bates stamps, choose any prefix you'd like (e.g., ARCHIVE). The files will be named with this Bates prefix.
- For Bates Starting Number you can just enter 0000001 or any starting number you'd like.
- Select Bottom Right for Stamp position.
- Click Show Advanced Options and enter the specifications as described in the Selecting advanced options section.
Selecting advanced options
- Under Document Format, choose PDF from the Default document format dropdown.
- In the Metadata load file section, choose Select all.
- For Deduplication level, choose Global deduplication by family.
- For Sort by, leave as Custodian then family.
- For Starting volume label, leave as default.
- Set Volume Break to None.
- Under Natives, clear all selections in the Produce the following file types as native field.
Under Other options select the following:
- Select Omit document redactions
- Select Omit metadata redactions
- Select Also include natives for all images (unless redacted)
Select Do not apply Bates stamps to images
- Review your settings
- Click Create
- Monitor the archive production to ensure it is running and contact support if there are any issues.
- Download to a safe place after the production is complete.
Redacted documents production
This optional step provides you with a copy of redacted images because redactions are omitted in the initial archive.
- Run a search to return redacted documents in the database by entering hasRedaction(yes) in the search bar.
- Save that search by clicking on Save Search. This will create a search that includes all redacted documents.
- Save the search as "Redacted Documents".
- In the DISCO main menu, click Productions and click Create New on the Productions page.
Use the following settings in the New Production page:
- Name: Redacted Documents
- By saved search: Select saved search “Redacted Documents”
- Bates prefix: REDACT
- Starting number: 000001
- Stamp position: Bottom Right
- Document format: PDF
- Metadata load file: Select all fields
- Deduplication level: Global deduplication by family
- Sort by: Custodian then family
- Starting volume label: VOL001
- Volume break: None
Other options
- Select Do not apply bates stamps to images
- Leave all other options as default
- Click Create.
Generating doclist report
This mandatory step includes fields that are not available in the production DAT such as billing size, image size, processing status, processing details, ingest type, and more.
- Click in the search bar and select the archive saved search.
- Click on the Export document list icon to display the Download instance list dialog.
- Click Generate instance report (XLSX) and download locally to your machine.
Downloading all productions
- Navigate to Menu > Productions.
- Select the Download button for each production. Productions will be downloaded locally.
For more information on downloading productions, see Creating productions.
NOTE: Depending on the size of a production, it may take hours to complete. This is normal. If the production takes over 10 hours, please contact