Centralize disparate ediscovery resources
Attorneys conducting Ediscovery reviews may encounter friction throughout the review due to the dispersed nature of essential legal resources, including case pleadings, review protocols, and ESI agreements. Resource hub helps you here by providing a review hub that wraps all of your cases resources into a single area in Ediscovery so they can quickly find necessary documents and information that are maintained outside of Ediscovery (e.g., ESI/review protocols, pleadings and Q&A) so that you can enhance your teams productivity and collaboration
This feature is in Run.
How to use resource hub as an end user.
- In Search & Review click 'Menu'
- Note that all resource links available to you are now present in the far right hand side of the navigation menu in Ediscovery
- Click any resource link to be taken there in a new browser tab while you conduct your review.
How to use resource hub as a review administrator
- In the above scenario, note that there is no 'lock' icon next to the 'Manage Resources' link at the bottom of the list. Users who have permissions to manage resource links can click this link to enter into resources administration.
- Here you can see the five (5) resource links from the example above. To add a new resource link, click '+ Add a resource' at the bottom of the screen
- Observe that a new sixth (6) resource link line item appears for you to enter in details:
- Link --> enter a valid URL link address than can be opened via the http protocol in a browser
- Display value --> what you want the link to display as to your review team
- Role --> Enter the user roles you want to be able to view and access this resource link
- Note that all of the above are mandatory
- Once properly entered you can click 'Save changes' to add it
- When configuring roles uncheck 'All roles' and then select the specific roles you want to be able to see the resource link.
- Once your changes are saved, the save button will grey out indicating successful completion
- You can see your changes reflected immediately in the resource links navigation. Note that as a sixth (6) link, your link is in a fly out sub menu as we give primacy to the first five (5) links. Let's adjust that and go back into 'Manage resources' administrative mode:
- Mouse over the grip icon to the left of the Link area:
- Notice the cursor changes to a hand icon
- Drag the resource link anywhere you want it to be present in the stack, in this example we drag it to the top of the list
- Notice the save button changes back to blue indicating these changes may be saved. Click 'save changes' to see the order reflected:
- Now the links have been reordered for you.
- To modify permissions for custom roles, click 'Review Team' from the far left hand side of the main navigation menu
- Then click roles
- For custom roles you can grant 'Access' --> to see resource links in the first place, when turned off they will be removed altogether from the main navigation menu.
- You can also grant 'Manage' permissions so other roles besides Admin can administer resource links as we've noted here.
Resources Hub FAQ
Q: What are default permissions for managed resources management page?
A: They are as follows:
Admin → can manage (access page)
Reviewer → can not view or access page
Restricted Reviewer → can not view or access page
Custom Role → default: can not view or access page unless edited as such
Q: What happens if a user does not have View permissions
A: They do not see the entry in the main navigation menu. It is hidden from them.
Q: What happens when as a user I click on a given resource link?
A: The user is taken to that resource link in a separate browser tab
Q: Can reviewDB admins change view/edit permissions for custom roles?
A: Yes.