After successfully authenticating a new Microsoft connection, the connection can now be used in DISCO to collect and ingest data.
Collection and ingest wizard
DISCO users can use an existing connection they created to collect and ingest from MS365.
Note: Only the DISCO user who created the connection may utilize the connection for collection/ingest.
- Select an existing connection from the ingest menu to open the cloud connector ingest wizard.
- Search and select Users to specify MS365 mailboxes.
- Assign a custodian to each User if desired.
- The wizard will auto-assign custodians if there is a matching existing custodian value, otherwise the default will be Unspecified Custodian.
- Select filter criteria.
- For any date filter, the user can specify a date range, before, after, or on a specific date.
- Select ingest options.
- Submit collection and ingest job.
Ingest card details
- After submitting the collection and ingest job, an ingest card will appear noting a Microsoft 365 as the type.