To search the proximity of words or phrases, use the slash search connector "/n".
For example, you can search the word "contract" within five words of "Enron" with the syntax contract /5 Enron.
You can also search with ordered proximity using "+n".
For example, you can search the word "contract" within ten words of "payment", where contract precedes payment, with the syntax contract +10 payment.
DISCO also supports common proximity syntax from other legal search providers.
For example, "w/n" will be treated identically to "/n", meaning you can search for contract w/5 Enron and get the same result.
Shorthand proximity operators are also supported. "/p" will search for terms within 75 words of each other, and /s will search for terms within 25 words of each other.
For example, contract /s Enron is equivalent to contract /25 Enron.