DISCO search allows you to find families of documents that may need a second review. There are two search syntax attributes allowing a user to find documents in inconsistently tagged families, or to find documents in consistently tagged families. Both of these can be helpful for quality control checks on tagging decisions.
Search Scope
Use familyInconsistentTag to find documents in inconsistently tagged families. This will return documents that do not have the indicated tag, where at least one family member has the indicated tag. Use familyConsistentTag to find documents in consistently tagged families. This will return documents where every family member has the specified tag. These searches only search documents that are within families; loose documents will not be returned. These searches are for quality control checks and are not intended for productions.
Common Searches
There are several common quality control checks after first pass review or prior to a production. Setting these up as Saved Searches will help you quickly find documents and families that may need additional review. It's usually easiest to enable family mode on the search bar, so the entire family is returned in the search results. These are three common quality control searches:
- Families inconsistent for a tag
- Families inconsistent for a set of tags
- Families consistent for a tag
Families inconsistent for a tag
These searches help you find families where some, but not all, documents in a family have a specific tag:
- This is used to find families that are inconsistently tagged with respect to Responsive. The search returns documents that don’t have a Responsive tag but at least one of their family members has a Responsive tag.
familyInconsistentTag(Responsive or “Responsive Due to Family”)
- This extends the previous search to include multiple tags. The search returns documents that have neither the Responsive tag or the Responsive Due to Family tag, but at least one of their family members has either a Responsive or Responsive Due to Family tag.
familyInconsistentTag(Responsive) % tag(“Further Review”)
- If you’ve already tagged a potentially inconsistent family member for Further Review, you can easily remove these families from the search results. This search returns documents that don’t have a Responsive tag but at least one of their family members has a Responsive tag, and are not tagged Further Review.
Families inconsistent for a set of tags
These searches are the easiest way to find a partially Responsive family, where at least one document is Responsive and at least one document is Non-Responsive. Similar searches can be run to find partially Privileged families:
tag(Non-Responsive) & familyInconsistentTag(Responsive)
- If you are looking for families where the family is tagged inconsistently with potentially conflicting tag choices, this search can assist. It returns documents that are tagged Non-Responsive but have at least one family member tagged Responsive.
tag(Non-Responsive) & familyInconsistentTag(Responsive or “Responsive Due to Family”)
- Potentially conflicting tag decisions within families can be run with multiple tags. This search returns documents that are tagged Non-Responsive where a family member is tagged Responsive or Responsive Due to Family.
tag("Not Privileged") & familyInconsistentTag(Attorney-Client or Work-Product)
- Similarly, you can return a family that includes both Not Privileged and Privileged documents. In this example, there are two privilege tags: Attorney-Client and Work-Product. This search returns documents tagged Not Privileged, but have family members that are tagged Attorney-Client or Work-Product.
familyInconsistentTag(Responsive or “Responsive Due to Family”) % tagGroup(Responsiveness)
- You may also look for families where some of the documents do not yet have a tag decision from a particular tag group. This search returns documents that have neither the Responsive or the Responsive Due to Family tag, but at least one of their family members has either a Responsive or Responsive due to Family tag, and have no tag from the Responsiveness tag group.
Additionally, you can search for Responsive documents, but remove Privilege documents and their family members. Be sure to enable family mode to return the expected search results:
tag(Responsive % Privilege) % familyInconsistentTag(Privilege)
- This search returns Responsive documents and their family members, unless the document is Privileged, and removes families where any family member is Privileged
Similarly, you can extend the search for multiple Responsive tags and multiple Privilege tags. Be sure to enable family mode to return the expected search results:
tag((Responsive or "Responsive Due to Family") % (Attorney-Client or Work-Product)) % familyInconsistentTag(Attorney-Client or Work-Product)
- This search returns Responsive or Responsive Due to Family documents and their family members, unless the document is Privileged, and removes families where any family member is Privileged
Families consistent for a tag
These searches help you find a fully Responsive or fully Privileged family of documents:
- Returns documents where every family member has the Responsive tag.
familyConsistentTag(Responsive or "Responsive Due to Family")
- Returns documents where every family member has either the Responsive or Responsive Due to Family tag.
familyConsistentTag(Attorney-Client or Work-Product)
- Returns documents where every family member has either the Attorney-Client or Work-Product tag
You can extend the search to return fully Responsive families with no Privileged family members:
familyConsistentTag((Responsive or "Responsive Due to Family") % (Attorney-Client or Work-Product))
- Returns documents where every family member has the Responsive or Responsive Due to Family tag and no family members have an Attorney-Client or Work-Product tag.
Alternatively, if you use a tag to designate Not Privileged, you can search for families where all documents are responsive and not privileged:
familyConsistentTag((Responsive or "Responsive Due to Family") & "Not Privileged")
- Returns documents where every family member Responsive or Responsive Due to Family tag and every family member has the Not Privileged tag.
You can also include loose documents if you are looking for fully Responsive families and Responsive loose documents:
familyConsistentTag(Responsive) or tag(Responsive) & childCount(0) & parentCount(0)
- Returns families where all documents are tagged Responsive, and also any loose documents that are tagged Responsive.
Finally, you can also include loose documents if you are looking for fully responsive families with no privileged family members, and also loose documents that are responsive and not privileged:
(familyConsistentTag((Responsive or "Responsive due to family") % (Attorney-Client or Work-Product))) or (tag(Responsive % (Attorney-Client or Work-Product)) & childCount(0) & parentCount(0))
- Returns documents where every family member has the Responsive or Responsive Due to Family tag and no family members have an Attorney-Client or Work-Product tag, or loose documents that are Responsive and not privileged.