Rolling productions (after one production has already been run):
If you have already run a production but now have had more documents added to your database that also need to be produced, here is how you would run your search to only produce the documents that have not been already been produced.
- In the DISCO main menu, click Productions. On the Productions page, you can see the production you have previously run.
- Click Search for produced documents (# of documents).
You will notice production(production/1) is already in the search bar on the review page with the documents from the production you selected displayed as the results.
- To search for all other documents not included in the production, run a search such as * % (production(production/1))
This search is telling DISCO to search for ALL documents, but not documents produced in that particular production. Therefore, you would run this search to produce documents you have ingested into your database After your initial production has already been run (rolling productions). - Once you have run this search, you can mass tag these documents and produce by tag, or save the search and run the production by saved search.
Rolling Productions (after two or more productions):
If you have already run two or more productions but now have had more documents added to your database that also need to be produced, here is how you would run your search to only produce the documents that have not been already produced.
- In the DISCO main menu, click Productions.
- On the Productions page, click Search for produced documents to determine what the search syntax will be for each production. The search syntax for a production will always be production(production/#), but you will have to double-check to see what number will be connected to each specific production.
NOTE: You may be wondering why productions are not numbered sequentially. The answer is they are; however, a number is assigned to a production only once, meaning if you run a production and click Search for produced documents and see the search syntax on the review page is production(production/1), but you later decide to delete this production, the next production will not be given the number 1. If you delete a production, the number assigned to that production will also be deleted. - After you have determined the search syntax for each production, enter them in the search bar on the review page.
- In order to search for all other documents not included in the productions, run a search such as * % (production(production/1) (production(production/2)).
This search is telling DISCO to search for all documents, but not documents produced in those particular productions. Therefore, you would run this search to produce documents you have ingested into your database after your initial productions have already been run (rolling productions). - Once you have run this search, you can mass tag these documents and produce by tag or save the search and run the production by saved search.