To ease communications and requests, we are introducing Ediscovery IDs: unique codes for each of your Ediscovery review databases.
What is an Ediscovery ID?
- A simplified, unique code that represents an Ediscovery review database.
- This ID is derived from the existing UUIDs for each review database, leveraging the first 8 characters in the 36 character string.
How should Ediscovery IDs be used?
- Ediscovery IDs will need to be provided when submitting a request through the Ediscovery Support Center.
- As a best practice, Ediscovery IDs should be leveraged throughout communication methods with DISCO to ensure accuracy and alignment.
Where can I find them?
- Within the DISCO product, Ediscovery IDs will be represented on the Matters page, within Organization Metrics, and within the Ediscovery main header navigation.
- Invoices will include the Ediscovery ID alongside each review database listed.
- Ad-hoc reporting will include the Ediscovery ID when applicable to the report.
Matters page
Ediscovery navigation
Organization metrics
Ediscovery Support Center request form example