Custom coding panels enable you to re-use existing forms from review stages in the main document viewer. You can do so to improve review management workflow or even use one QC pane anywhere if desired. Our main document viewer is accessed from search & review. It is un-scoped and all encompassing in terms of work product application. Here in the main viewer, users can add or change any permissioned tag, folder, note or user-defined field and they may also apply redactions or annotations without restriction or conditional coding rules. Whereas in DISCO review stages you can control user access to each stage, customize the review decisions and monitor the progress of each stage.
Review stages
Review stages allow review managers to organize and track documents throughout the review process. This involves creating and prioritizing review stages, establishing parameters for reviewing documents and assigning reviewers. Review stages are tied to batches of documents. As a review manager if you would like to review a specific set of documents for certain tagging decisions you would either have to add yourself to a copy of that review stage or simply go through our main document viewer which would have a different coding pane than the review stage.
Custom coding panels in main document viewer
Now with custom coding panels, you may access the review stages forms directly from the main document viewer and effectively have them decoupled from batches assigned to others.
This feature is in Run.
How to use custom coding panels.
- As a review manager or admin user, open up a document in the main document viewer:
- With the document opened:
- You'll note a column on the left hand side of the viewer
All review decisions: Access main document viewer Review forms: Access all review stages
- Select 'Review forms' to access all the review stages:
- To cycle through different review stages use the drop down menu in this case located next to 'First Pass Review'
- Now you can see 'Privilege Review' stage is chosen and the document remains open
- You can select 'QC Check - IP' and use that review form
- When there are conflicting tags for the form, you'll be alerted as shown below
- This document was tagged both 'Responsive' and 'Not Responsive' in the normal document viewer and then we switched to a form that doesn't allow for this.
- 'Document has conflicting tags.' message is displayed to alert you to this.
Custom Coding Panel FAQ
Q: What is different when a review stage panel is shown in the regular document viewer?
A: The exact panel from the selected review stage overtakes the current panel with the following modifications:
- Do not force the same tag propagation settings from the review stage
- Allow ditto usage always
- No conditional coding enforcement
- Predictive scores can be hidden/made visible regardless of stage setting
- No progress/stage indicators since the stage is decoupled from the batch
- We will not flag if a document was reviewed → Since it’s not directly tied to specific batches
- Ability for everyone who has search and review access to see all review stages
Q: Is coding disabled for documents in ECA data space?
A: Yes. Coding is disabled for documents in the ECA data space (like other document viewer work product).
Q: What happens when a review stages exist for a user and the user opens the doc viewer?
A: We default to last used form in doc viewer. If a review stage form was last being used in adhoc, the document viewer will persist that.
Q: How does AI Predictive Tagging work?
A: It functions identically to documents tagged inside the normal document viewer. See here for more details on AI tag predictions.