DISCO has several reports that you can access from the Reports page. To view reports, in the DISCO main menu, click Reports.
Batch Prints
Batch printing gives you the ability to generate a print-ready PDF (or PDFs) of a group of documents. Much like mass tagging, you can print documents via a search or individual selections via the checkboxes in the search results. From the Reports page you can review, download, or delete historical batch print actions. The Reports page shows you how many batch prints have been completed in your database, and for each batch print job, it displays when the batch print was completed (T minus time elapsed), as well as the details about the batch print (search query used, output format chosen, bates prefix selection, and redaction choice). A batch print download consists of a .zip file containing the relevant files.
Search results
The search results index is an Excel report that shows all metadata for each document in the search results (one row per document). The generated spreadsheet includes the following metadata: DISCO id, reference id, document type, custodian, date, create date, last modified, path, filename, author, page count, document size in bytes, deduplication hash, sender, recipient, subject, send date, Bates numbers, tags, document note content, privilege note content, and has redactions (y/n). The Reports page shows you how many search results have been completed in your database, and the results grid displays when the search results download was completed (T minus time elapsed), as well as the search query used and the sort order chosen.
Ingest Reports
For each ingest, DISCO generates an ingest report. Within the ingest report is the exception report (what the utility could not correctly ingest, such as unknown file types or password protected files).To view ingest reports, on the Reports page, click Ingest Reports. The Ingest Reports page shows how many ingests have been completed in your database, as well as when the ingest report download was completed (T minus time elapsed), the session type (all, meaning a report of all data ingest from beginning of time to when that report was run), and the SHOW ONLY ERRORS checkbox. When you download an ingest report, it opens in .xlsx format. The columns in the ingest report include instance id, instance hash, deduplication hash, ingest time, custodian, disposition, file length, file path, container path, and issues.