DISCO's Data Management Suite gives users the option to set up ingest templates for an entire review database, both for load file ingests and native file ingests.
Ingest Defaults
For native files, any user with ingest permissions can go into the native ingest wizard, configure the options they want to have as default, and set them as the matter defaults.
Every option on the page can be configured and included in the defaults through the Matter defaults option on the top of the page. If the "Matter defaults" text is greyed out, the currently displayed settings are already the matter default.
Matter defaults are consistent for any options shared between native ingests and load file ingests, in particular, selections for exception handling and hidden content rendering are shared across all ingests.
Native-lite ingests do not have configurable mappings and will always send exceptions to DISCO, deduplicate files, and include all hidden content.
Saved load file mappings
For load file ingests, users can also save any field mapping from the field mapping screen to the matter. From the same menu, any user in the matter can apply a previously saved mapping to their current load file.
The saved field mappings are shared for all users within a matter and are available to every user who can ingest.
At any point in the mapping process, you can save the current mapping. If you want to update a mapping, users can overwrite an existing mapping name with the new mapping. You can also delete a mapping name through the saved field mapping menu.
When saving or applying a saved mapping, the system will notify you of any previously saved mappings that it could not apply.
The options and mappings used in any ingest are always available for review from the ingest details available on each ingest card.