DISCO provides starter settings that give users a good starting point to get agency productions up and running even faster. The three agencies provided are DOJ Antitrust, SEC, and FTC.
See the specific mappings and fields for each starter specification below. Reminder that these settings can be applied to the page and then modified as needed.
DISCO Field | DOJ Antitrust Starter | FTC Starter | SEC Starter |
Bates stamp position | Bottom right | Bottom right | Bottom right |
Confidentiality or other stamps | No stamps | No stamps | No stamps |
Document format | B&W TIFF & Color JPEG | B&W TIFF & Color JPEG | B&W TIFF & Color JPEG |
Produce the following document types as natives | Audio, CAD, Excel, Unknown, Video | Audio, CAD, Excel, Unknown, Video, Word, PowerPoint | Audio, CAD, Excel, Unknown, Video |
Also produce as native, documents tagged | — | — | — |
Native slipsheet | Custom slipsheet | Default | Default |
Subheader | Please review the native document {{Native File Name}} | — | — |
Body | {{Filename}} {{File Path}} | — | — |
Produce Redacted Excels as | Redacted .XLSX files | Redacted .XLSX files | Redacted .XLSX files |
Unless redacted Excels are tagged | — | — | — |
Slipsheet format for redacted Excels | Default | Default | Default |
Withhold and slipsheet documents | No slipsheets | No slipsheets | No slipsheets |
Load file columns (50) | VolumeName, Custodian, TimeZone, HashMD5, HashSHA1, BegDoc, EndDoc, DocID, NumPages, ParentID, AttachmentIDs, FamilyRange, FolderLabel, From, To, CC, BCC, Subject, DocDate, DateCreated, DateSent, TimeSent, DateReceived, TimeReceived, Header, MessageID, InReplyToID, ConversationIndex, Importance, DelivReceipt, ReadReceipt, Sensitivity, Revision, DateSaved, DatePrinted, EOrganization, EAuthor, Last Author, ESubject, Filesize, Filename, Application, FileExtension, FilePath, DocLink, DateApptStart, TimeApptStart, DateApptEnd, TimeApptEnd, TextLink, Has any redaction, Starting Bates of family, Ending Bates of family | Alternate Custodian, Bates Begin, Bates End, Custodian, Date Created, Date Modified, Email BCC, Email CC, Email Date Received, Email Date Sent, Email From, Email Message ID, Email Subject, Email Time Received, Email Time Sent, Email To, File Name, File Path, Hash MD5, Parent ID, Native Link, Text Link, Time Created, Time Modified, Starting Bates of Family, Ending Bates of Family | FirstBates, LastBates, AttachRange, BegAttach, EndAttach, Parent_Bates, Child_Bates, Custodian, From, To, CC, BCC, Email subject, File_Name, Date_Sent, Time_Sent, Time_Zone, Link, File_Exten, Author, Last Author, Date_Created, Time_Created, Date_Mod, Time_Mod, Date_Accessd, Time_Accessd, Printed_Date, File_Size, PgCount, Path, IntMsgID, Header, MD5Hash, OCRPath |
Date format | yyyy/mm/dd | mm/dd/yyyy | mm/dd/yyyy |
Use 12/31/9999 instead of a blank for invalid dates | No | No | No |
Time format | hh:mm:ss | hh:mm:ss | hh:mm |
Use 24-hour clock | Yes | No | No |
Append time zone | No | No | Yes |
Duration format | Hours | Hours | Hours |
File size output | Bytes | Bytes | KB |
Deduplication level | Global deduplication by family | Custodian-level deduplication by family | Global deduplication by family |
Sort by | Custodian then family | Custodian then family | Custodian then family |
Starting volume label | VOL0001 | VOL0001 | VOL0001 |
Volume break | None | None | None |
Omit document redactions | No | No | No |
Omit metadata redactions | No | No | No |
Blank metadata redaction reasons instead of displaying them inline | No | No | No |
Also include natives for all images (unless redacted) | No | No | Yes |
Store OCR text file in same folder as images, instead of in a separate OCR text folder | No | No | No |
Do not apply Bates stamps to images | No | No | No |