There are several optional advanced options for creating productions that can help your further tailor your output.
Document format
The production document format options include:
- PDF (default)
- B&W TIFF & Color JPEG
- Native with Slipsheet (unless redacted)
By default, DISCO will produce documents in color, PDF format. TIFF images will always be in black and white. If a B&W TIFF & Color JPEG format is chosen, DISCO will scan each page for any color content, and create a JPEG image if any color is found.
Deduplication level
While DISCO performs strategic document deduplication upon ingestion, you have the option to split the duplicate documents out again on production (into separately Bates-stamped images/files) in several ways. See Production deduplication for details.
Sort by
Here you can choose a sorting order for the documents (and, hence, the Bates stamping) in the production. The “then” in the options means that the documents will be initially sorted by the first criteria, then the second criteria.
For example, the default option, Custodian then family, means that the documents will first be sorted by their custodian, then by family date within that custodian group. The family date of a document is the sent date (or last modified date) of its parent, or just the sent date/last modified date of the document if it has no parent. Family date ordering helps ensure that attachments directly follow their parent emails in the production, where possible.
Path is simply the original file path of the document (that is, the path of the file on the disk or email container the document came from).
Reference id is a special custom field in DISCO that you can set via initial load file or later mass update of the documents. This is rarely used, but useful when the user already has applied a control ID to the documents before they come to DISCO, and wants to preserve that ordering for the production.
- Custodian then family (default)
- Custodian then path
- Family then path
- Path only
- Reference id
Starting volume label
By default, there are no volume breaks in a production. If you want a production split into different volumes, indicate the name of the first volume. We will automatically increment the volume label for each subsequent volume. For example, if you enter “VOL001” as the starting volume label, the second volume will be “VOL002”, and so on. Each volume will be a separate, compartmentalized unit, with its own set of document folders and load files.
Volume break
If you want a production split into volumes, you can break it up by custodian (each custodian is a separate volume) or by size (each volume consists of 500 documents).
Other options
- Omit document redactions
Render the images without their redactions. Obviously, a dangerous option as it will reveal sensitive information. Usually only used for internal or archival productions. - Omit metadata redactions
- Blank metadata redaction reasons instead of displaying them inline
- Use 12/31/9999 instead of blank for invalid dates
- Also include natives for all images
Include all natives for documents, regardless of production format (unless the document is redacted, of course). - Store OCR text file in same folder as images, instead of in a separate OCR text folder
A rarely used option to make the production more compatible with early versions of Summation. - Do not apply Bates stamp to images
Do not print Bates stamps to the document images (and do not bring these Bates numbers back into DISCO Review for searching/sorting). A Bates prefix and starting number must still be specified for naming the actual files in the production.
For more information about productions, see Creating productions.