To remove a mass tag:
- Run a search for the mass tag you applied. For example, if you mass tagged a group of documents with the Hot tag, you would run a search for tag("Hot") and tag(by [your user name]).
NOTE: There is no undo option when a recent mass tag coincides with existing documents using the same tag.
- Click the mass tag icon.
- In the Select Tags to Apply or Remove dialog, in the Remove text box, select the Hot tag. Select the scope of the documents you want to remove the tag from, and then click Update. For more information about this feature, see Release for December 6, 2016: Tag Propagation.
The status of your mass tag removal will be documented in your DISCO notifications.
You can run multiple mass tagging jobs (adding or removing tags in batch) at the same time. However, the system will run the mass tagging jobs one at a time. This is done to make sure there are no conflicts across the multiple tagging requests.
You can rollback any completed mass action by using the Rollback feature in the Mass-Action Log. For more information, see Using the mass-action log.