Mass actions help you to gather, organize, categorize, and report on document sets en masse. The following actions can be taken using mass actions:
- Tagging
- Foldering
- Batch printing
- Adding to exhibit sets
- Exporting a document list
- Vaulting documents
- Deleting documents
The icons for mass actions will be grayed out until there is an active search or documents are selected from the document list.
NOTE: The Add to exhibit set mass action is limited to 1,000 documents or fewer at a time. If your search returns more than 1,000 documents, the icon will be grayed out until the search is refined or you select 1,000 or fewer documents.
By default, DISCO will mass action all documents in your search results. If you select documents from your search results, the number of selected documents will be displayed next to the mass action icons.
You can deselect documents by deselecting individual check boxes or by clicking Uncheck all.