As part of DISCO's Early Case Assessment functionality, users are allowed to promote documents from their ECA data space into Active Review.
Promoting ECA documents works very similarly to mass tagging and foldering documents. You can start by running a search within the ECA data space. You can promote all of your resulting documents by clicking the new Promote icon, or select the document(s) you wish to move to Active Review by using the checkboxes.
Use the pop-up to check and uncheck the boxes that determine what additional documents will be promoted with your document selection.
Family members of your search results will always be included in the promotion. DISCO can also promote similar documents and emails in the same conversation to documents in your search or their family members. You can deselect conversations or similar documents, or modify the similarity threshold.
Once you have verified your promotion options, you can click Promote documents. The system will then begin mass promoting all of the search results or selected rows. This process may take some time, depending on the number of documents to be promoted.
You can monitor the status of the promotion on the Mass Action Log, and will be notified when the promotion is complete.
Promoting a document from ECA to Active Review cannot be undone.