Supported browsers
DISCO works with the up-to-date versions of all standard internet browsers: Chrome, Edge, Firefox, and Safari; however, DISCO highly recommends using the Chrome browser, especially with the high-speed uploader.
Effective December 31st, 2021, DISCO will officially end support for the legacy browser Internet Explorer.
Internet Explorer and Edge browsers may have settings that do not allow communication between the high-speed uploader and DISCO. Safari will not communicate with the high-speed uploader.
Browsers other than Chrome often contain default settings which can cause issues when uploading or downloading data. For example, Safari's "Open Safe Files After Downloading" default setting can cause confusion when downloading productions.
Physical requirements
DISCO requires your screen to be at least 1280 pixels wide. If your screen is smaller than this, you will not be able to display the entire DISCO app without scrolling.
DISCO works best on a desktop or laptop computer. If you use a mobile device, some functionality may be missing from the app.