DISCO provides a comprehensive ediscovery platform that enables users to manage their matters themselves, end-to-end. However, for certain tasks you may want or need DISCO to help. In such cases, the DISCO Data Operations Services team is happy to provide their expertise.
The list provided below is not exhaustive and is meant to be a representation of available data services. Most Data Operations services are billable - if you would like more information please contact us at support@csdisco.com.
Matter Management
- Creating new matters
- Putting matters into vault
- Deactivating or deleting existing matters
- Creating standard and custom matter archives
- Providing certificate of destruction for deactivated matters
Native Data Ingestion
- Loading native data
- Extracting data from forensic images
- Analyzing and remediating ingest exceptions
- Converting non-supported file types
Load File Ingestion
- Analyzing load files data to ensure the data is formatted correctly
- Creating or manipulating load files manually
- Ingesting load file data
- Converting non supported file types
- Completing image, file or metadata overlays
- Creating overlay files from existing fields such as extracting Bates numbers from filenames and custodian information from file paths
- Generating and overlaying images, text, and metadata for files received
- Creation of slipsheets
- Executing clawback requests
- All work related to creating production deliverables
- Downloading productions to physical media
- Providing technical advice about supported or recommended file formats in connection with collections, document requests, productions or migrations
- Performing exports and migrations from other systems
- Ingesting migrated data from another platform
- Performing quality control on migration data to ensure all data and work product were migrated successfully
Batch print
- Batch print and conversion requests
Data culling
- Performing cull requests based on a specific search, tag, folder, or ingest session
- Culling data for and re-ingestion purposes
- Generating custom audit reports
- Creating custom reports based on existing fields in DISCO
- Generating data size reports based on tag or folder
Other tasks
- Staging data by downloading data from external link (cloud storage or client FTP) or uploading from physical media
- Performing audio\video transcription
- Translating foreign language documents
- Running mass redactions
- Converting structured data to a supported format (Slack, Jira, and other cloud services exports)